
“To educate, support and keep County Appraisers & others interested informed of issues and laws that relate to ad valorem taxation in the state of Kansas”

2023 Budget

The first organizational meeting of the Kansas County Appraiser’s Association (KCAA) was held on January 11, 1966. King L McDonald was elected Temporary President. An application for affiliation in the Kansas Officials Council was filed in November 1966. It was approved in November 1967. Application for affiliation in the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) was filed in August 1966 and approved in August 1967.

The Association is governed by an Executive Board that is elected from its membership. The Board consists of the president, president-elect, vice-president, and the immediate past president of the Kansas County Appraiser’s Association and six members in good standing, one from each of the six Regional Kansas County Appraiser’s Associations. A secretary/treasurer is appointed by the president and approved by the Board. The association also has an Executive Secretary to handle its daily business.

As stated in its Constitution, the objectives of the Kansas County Appraiser’s Association are to improve the standards of appraisal practice; to provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relating to appraisal practice; to educate the taxpaying public on the true nature and importance of the work performed by appraisal officers; and to engage in research and publish the results of studies; to elevate the standards of personnel requirements in appraisal offices; to elevate the other public and private agencies interested in providing tax administration; and in every proper way to promote justice and equity in the distribution of the tax burden.  The KCAA also functions to assist in the training, education, certification, and designation of Kansas ad valorem appraisal personnel.  The KCAA has established a Code of Ethics for its members.

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