Cancellation Policy

Cancellations for all PVD classes must be made at least 3 working days prior to the first day of class.  Cancellations for all IAAO classes must be made at least 14 working days prior to the first day of class.

PVD/KCAA will accept written cancellations only, phone calls will NOT be accepted.   Written cancellations may be faxed or emailed.  Failure to give the required notification will result in the county or person being billed for the total cost of the class.

If a class reaches its maximum number of students, a waiting list will be established.  If cancellations occur, the first person on the waiting list will be given the opportunity to attend the class.  Classes that do not have the minimum number of students enrolled 3 working days prior to the first day of class will be cancelled.  All persons enrolled in a cancelled class will be notified by work phone 2 working days prior to the first day the class was scheduled to begin.

Courses sponsored by the Kansas Division of Property Valuation (PVD) and the Kansas County Appraisers Association (KCAA) are open to county, state & non-government personnel.  For current schedules & other information regarding PVD/KCAA classes visit:


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