A Kansas County Appraiser is defined as any appraiser or fieldman, deputy appraiser, elected, appointed, or Clerk Appraiser who is employed in Kansas and does the work of ad valorem appraising.


A Kansas County Appraiser will do his best to promptly discover, uniformly appraise and impartially list all property in his jurisdiction.

A Kansas County Appraiser shall arrange his records in such a way that he can periodically determine all parcels of land and other property have been accounted for.

A Kansas County Appraiser shall perform his duties in accordance with his oath of office and the laws of the state and nation.

A Kansas County Appraiser shall uniformly apply the appraisal process and equitably interpret the law of this state to all property owners alike.

A Kansas County Appraiser shall adopt an attitude of respect and cooperation toward other public officials with appraisal related duties while maintaining a clear perspective on the absolute necessity of uniform appraisal and impartial listing.


Acknowledge associates. In the event an appraiser is called upon to testify in court or at a hearing, while he may state in what manner he would act, he shall not comment on the performance of any other Kansas County Appraiser.

Cooperate. It is the duty of each Kansas County Appraiser to work closely with his associates and cooperate fully with other Kansas County Appraisers to properly perform the appraisal function and to improve his craft.

Act professionally. While a Kansas County Appraiser may feel an associate has acted in a different manner than regular standards, he shall not disparge his associates; rather he shall act in one of three ways; (1) praise in public, (2) withhold any comment, or (3) criticize directly and in private.

Give credit. In the preparation of any appraisal or official speech, a Kansas County Appraiser shall cite sources and give credit when using the material of others.

Conflict of interest. While being trained in appraisal work, no person employed as a Kansas County Appraiser shall appear, represent or testify for private parties in matters involving ad valorem appraisal or assessed values.

Integrity. A Kansas County Appraiser shall not accept any gift of renumeration that would commonly be considered of such value that it may influence the appraiser's judgment or responsibilities.


Special interests. A Kansas County Appraiser must be conscientious in his duty to all property owners by not allowing himself to be influenced by special interests.

Exceptions. A Kansas County Appraiser represents all of the property owners in his jurisdiction and should not allow his judgment and integrity to be swayed by individuals seeking exceptions.

Protect individual. Information concerning property owners or property which is obtained for officials use, shall not be indiscriminately provided to other persons. Information shared with other jurisdictions shall be used with careful discretion.